Home � EVENTS � Workshop Romania

Wind Energy the Facts - Integrating wind power in Romania
Date: 2 June 2009
Venue: Grand Hotel Marriott, Bucharest, Romania


EWEA Press release ‘Grid development essential for Romanian wind industry growth’, 02/06/2009


European Wind Energy Association
Romanian Wind Energy Association
Centre for promotion of clean and efficient energy in Romania

For more information on the workshop, you can contact either Tim Robinson, tr(at) or Dorina Iuga, dorina.iuga(at)

‘Wind Energy - The Facts’ is a European Commission-funded project, widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a detailed overview of the wind energy sector, with the most up-to-date  information on the essential issues concerning wind today.

This new edition of the ‘Wind Energy - The Facts’ publication formed the basis of a second dissemination workshop which took place in Bucharest, Romania, on 02 June 2009.

Click on the links below to download the full presentations given during the seminar:

*Justin Wilkes, Head of Regulatory Affairs, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Wind Power’s Role in National Action Plans

*Alexandru Sandulescu, Energy Directorate,RomanianMinistry of Economy, Romania’s Approach to the National Action Plan

*Jannik Termansen, Director, Group Government Relations, Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Potentials, Benefits and Barriers

*Prof. Arthouros Zervos, President, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Introduction: Wind Energy The Facts

*Glória Rodrigues, Policy Project Officer, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Integrating Wind Energy in the Environment

*Søren Krohn, Søren Krohn Consulting, The Economics of Wind Energy

*Fabien Hillairet, Environmental Investment, CEZ, Investing in Wind Energy in Romania: Opportunities and Constraints

*Emilian Jianu, General Manager, Blue Planet Investments, Investing in Romania’s Wind Potential

*Dan Preotescu, Director, Network Development Planning and System Studies, Transelectrica, EU 2020 Targets: Managing Integration of Wind in the Romanian Grid

*João Ricardo, General Manager, Grid Planning Division, REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, Integrating Large Quantities of Wind in the Electricity Grid

*Stefan Hartge, Customer Value Manager, GE Wind Energy GmbH, Integrating Wind Energy into the Grid: a Turbine Manufacturer’s Perspective

*Maria Minecuta, Director General of Network Access and Authorisations, Electricity Department, ANRE - Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority’s Perspectives on the EU 2020 Targets

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