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Wind Energy the Facts Workshop
Date: 2 July 2009
Location: Visby, Sweden


Svensk Vindenergie

European Wind Energy Association 

The final ‘Wind Energy - The Facts’ dissemination workshop was held in Visby on 2 July 2009.
Programme available here

Press release 02/07/2009 'Wind energy from a European perspective'




Welcome (PDF, 100kb)
Matthias Rapp, Managing Director, Swedish Wind Energy Association

The wind energy market in Sweden (no written version available)
Tomas Kåberger, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency

'Wind Energy – The Facts' presentation (PDF, 1.9mb)
Dorina Iuga, Project Manager, European Wind Energy Association

The Facts...about the 'network' (PDF, 200kb)

Anders Richert, Head of Network Unit, Swedish Electricity Association

'Wind Energy - The Facts' - the website (PDF - 1.5mb)
Sharon Wokke, Project Assistant, European Wind Energy Association

Wind energy in Sweden – opportunities and threats (PDF - 250kb)
Gunnar Fredriksson, Swedish Wind Energy





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