Home � APPENDIX � Appendix I � Slovenia



Slovenia is currently far from meeting its RES targets. Solid biomass has recently started to penetrate the market. Hydropower, at this time the principal source of RES-E, relies on a large amount of very old, small hydro plants; and the Slovenian Government has made the refurbishment of these plants part of the renewable energy strategy. An increase in capacity of the larger-scale units is also foreseen. In Slovenia, a varied set of policy measures has been accompanied by administrative taxes and complicated procedures.


In Slovenia, the RES-E policy includes the following measures:

  • RES-E producers can choose to receive either fixed FITs or premium FITs from the network operators. A Purchase Agreement is concluded, valid for 10 years. According to the Law on Energy, the uniform annual prices and premiums are set at least once a year. Between 2004 and 2006, these prices stayed the same.
  • Subsidies or loans with interest-rate subsidies are available. Most of the subsidies cover up to 40 per cent of the investment cost. Investments in rural areas with no possibility of connection to the electricity network are eligible to apply for an additional 20 per cent subsidy.

Table I.22: Key Support Schemes in Slovenia

Technology Capacity Duration 2004 – present
fixed premium fixed premium fixed premium
years years SIT/MWh SIT/MWh €/MWh €/MWh
Hydro < 1 MW After 5 years tariff reduced by 5 per cent.
After 10 years tariff reduced by 10 per cent.
14.75 6.75 62 28
1-10 MW 14.23 6.23 59 26
Biomass < 1 MW 16.69 8.69 70 36
> 1 MW 16.17 8.17 68 34
Biogas (landfill and sewage gas) < 1 MW 12.67 - 53 -
> 1 MW 11.71 - 49 -
Biogas (animal waste) - 28.92 - 121 -
Wind < 1 MW 14.55 6.55 61 27
>1 MW 14.05 6.05 59 25
Geothermal - 14.05 6.05 59 25
Solar   <36 kW 89.67 81.67 374 341
  >36 kW 15.46 7.46 65 31



At national level, a target to increase the share of RES in total primary energy consumption from 8.8 per cent in 2001 to 12 per cent by 2010 has been set. The RES-E target to be achieved in 2010, as a result of the EU Directive, is 33.6 per cent in Slovenia. At present, the contribution of RES to the national energy balance is about 9 per cent. In 2004, the Slovenian RES-E share of gross electricity consumption was 29.9 per cent. The potential of solid biomass is high, with over 54 per cent of land covered by forests.

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