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Chapter 4: Global wind energy markets

The status of the global wind energy markets

In 2007, its best year yet, the wind industry installed close to 20,000 MW worldwide. This development was led by the US, China and Spain, and it brought global installed capacity to 93,864 MW. This is an increase of 31% compared with the 2006 market, and represents an overall increase in global installed capacity of about 27%.

The top five countries in terms of installed capacity are Germany (22.3 GW), the US (16.8 GW), Spain (15.1 GW), India (7.8 GW) and China (5.9 GW). In terms of economic value, the global wind market in 2007 was worth about €25 billion, or US$ 37 billion in new generating equipment, and attracted €34 billion ($50.2 billion) in total investment.

Europe remains the leading market for wind energy and new installations represented 43% of the global total in 2007.

Figure 4.1: Global cumulative installed capacity 1990-2007,Source: EWEA

Figure 4.1: Global cumulative installed capacity 1990-2007,Source: EWEA

Figure 4.2: Global annual installed capacity 1991-2007, Source: EWEA

Figure 4.2: Global annual installed capacity 1991-2007, Source: EWEA


Figure 4.3: Top 10 installed capacity       Figure 4.4: Top 10 new capacity

Figure 4.3: Top 10 installed capacity       Figure 4.4: Top 10 new capacity 

Source: GWEC                    Source: GWEC

Figure 4.5: Annual installed capacity by region 2003-2007,  Source: GWEC

Figure 4.5: Annual installed capacity by region 2003-2007,  Source: GWEC

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