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Wake effect

Wind turbines extract energy from the wind and downstream there is a wake from the wind turbine, where wind speed is reduced.  As the flow proceeds downstream, there is a spreading of the wake and the wake recovers towards free stream conditions.  The wake effect is the aggregated influence on the energy production of the wind farm, which results from the changes in wind speed caused by the impact of the turbines on each other.  

Wake effect internal

This is the effect that the wind turbines within the wind farm being considered have on each other.

Wake effect external

This is the effect that the wind turbines from neighbouring wind farms (if any) have on the wind farm being considered.

Future wake effect

Where future wind farms are to be constructed in the vicinity of the project under consideration, the wake effect of these has been estimated and taken into account.  If appropriate, this factor can be derived as a profile over the project lifetime.

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