Home � APPENDIX � Appendix C


WORKED EXAMPLE for culliagh wind farm, ireland

C.1 Introduction

The main text has provided a general discussion of the assessment of the wind resource and energy production. This appendix is included in order to provide a “worked example”. It demonstrates all the different aspects of the process outlined in the main text. The project considered is the Culliagh Wind Farm in Ireland, which consists of 18 Vestas V47 wind turbines and was constructed in 2000. The following specific analyses are presented:

  1. The results of the pre-construction projection of the expected energy production of the wind farm including uncertainty analysis.
  2. The review of the actual production of the wind farm over a 17 month period.
  3. The results of a “wind in – energy out” validation test of the predictive methodologies employed in 1) above.

Airtricity, a leading international wind farm developer, owns the Culliagh Wind Farm and thanks are to be extended to Airtricity for allowing their proprietary data to be used for this example case. A photograph of the wind farm is presented in Figure C.


Figure C1 Photograph of the Culliagh Wind Farm

Figure C1 Photograph of the Culliagh Wind Farm

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