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Electrical transmission efficiency

There will be electrical losses experienced between the low voltage terminals of each of the wind turbines and the wind farm Point of Connection, which is usually located within a wind farm switching station.

Operational electrical efficiency

This factor defines the electrical losses encountered when the wind farm is operational and which will be manifested as a reduction in the energy measured by an export meter at the Point of Connection.  This is presented as an overall electrical efficiency, and is based on the long-term average expected production pattern of the wind farm.

Wind farm consumption

This factor defines the electrical efficiency due to the electrical consumption of the non-operational wind farm, due to transformer no load losses and consumption by electrical equipment within the turbines and substation.  In most cases, this issue is omitted from the list of loss factors, and is instead considered as a wind farm operational cost.  However, for some metering arrangements, it may be appropriate to include this as an electrical efficiency factor, rather than an operational cost and so this factor is included within the table.

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