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Some or all of the turbines within a wind farm may need to be shut down to mitigate issues associated with turbine loading, export to the grid, or certain planning conditions.

Wind sector management

Turbine loading is influenced by the wake effects from nearby machines.  For some wind farms with particularly close machine spacing, it may be necessary to shut down certain turbines for certain wind conditions.  This is referred to as wind sector management, and will generally result in a reduction in the energy production of the wind farm.

Grid curtailment

Within certain grid connection agreements, the output of the wind farm is curtailed at certain times.  This will result in a loss of energy production.  This factor also includes the time taken for the wind farm to become fully operational following grid curtailment.

Noise, visual and environmental curtailment

In certain jurisdictions, there may be requirements to shut down turbines during specific meteorological conditions to meet defined noise emission or shadow flicker criteria at nearby dwellings; or environmental conditions due to such aspects as birds or bats.

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